Our Work

by CNT

Since Hurricane Katrina, the New Orleans-Baton Rouge super region has been working to secure lasting economic recovery. This report offers recommendations for using cargo- and transit-oriented development to help Southeast Louisiana capture community value from its largely underutilized rail system.Read more

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by CNT and Open Communities

Rail transit anchors downtowns and neighborhoods in communities throughout Chicago’s northern suburbs and across the region, but many of these communities are falling behind in creating mixed-income transit-oriented development. This guidebook offers case studies, policy recommendations, and public participation tools...Read more

by CNT

The Chicago region's hub-and-spoke transit system leaves many people stranded in the gaps. About 10% of Cook County's residents live in transit deserts, leaving them with restricted mobility and limited access to all of the region's jobs and amenities.Read more

Greg Newmark

As more and more regions seek to implement high-occupancy toll or HOT lanes, more and more transit agencies seek knowledge to take advantage of this new infrastructure opportunity. Unfortunately, as is often the case with the rapid diffusion of a...Read more

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Greg Newmark, Melissa Schramm

The proliferation of new shared-ride transportation services provides a unique opportunity for transit agencies to reach new markets. Unfortunately, many transit agencies are wary of partnering with private companies. To address these concerns, this research analyzes the usage data from...Read more

Daniel Rowe, Stephanie Morse, Craig Ratchford, Peter Haas, Sofia Becker

Multifamily residential buildings often provide too much parking, which can be an impediment to a wide range of community goals. An oversupply of parking can have deleterious effects on economic development, consumers, the community at large, and the environment. Despite...Read more

by Reconnecting America, Strategic Economics, CNT, Enterprise Community Partners, Center for Creative Land Recycling, Kim Burnett Consulting

The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’s Sustainable Communities Initiative offered support for sustainable development projects in cities and regions across the country. Grantees received access to capacity-building resources, including CNT’s team of technical experts, to help with...Read more


Topic: Transportation

Displaying 71 - 80 of 123


topics: Cargo-Oriented Development, Sustainable Economic Development, Transportation

Since Hurricane Katrina, the New Orleans-Baton Rouge super region has been working to secure lasting economic recovery. This report offers recommendations for using cargo- and transit-oriented development to help Southeast Louisiana capture community value from its largely underutilized rail system...

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topics: Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Policy, Transportation

Rail transit anchors downtowns and neighborhoods in communities throughout Chicago’s northern suburbs and across the region, but many of these communities are falling behind in creating mixed-income transit-oriented development. This guidebook offers case studies, policy recommendations, and public...

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topics: Data Analysis, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Transportation

Led by CNT and the Active Transportation Alliance, Transit Future offered a bold vision of what an expanded transit system in Cook County and the Chicago region could be. It is a vision of connectivity and opportunity, of potential and prosperity.

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topics: Housing, Transportation

The National Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Database is a tool that provides economic and demographic information for every existing and proposed fixed guideway transit station in the U.S.

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topics: Data Analysis, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Housing, Parking Utilization, Transportation

The GreenTRIP Parking Database helps planners and developers in the San Francisco Bay Area quantify parking usage and the costs of unused parking spaces.

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topics: Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Housing, Transportation

The Chicago region's hub-and-spoke transit system leaves many people stranded in the gaps. About 10% of Cook County's residents live in transit deserts, leaving them with restricted mobility and limited access to all of the region's jobs and amenities.

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topics: Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Transportation

The proliferation of new shared-ride transportation services provides a unique opportunity for transit agencies to reach new markets. Unfortunately, many transit agencies are wary of partnering with private companies. To address these concerns, this research analyzes the usage data from a unique...

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topics: Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Policy, Transportation

As more and more regions seek to implement high-occupancy toll or HOT lanes, more and more transit agencies seek knowledge to take advantage of this new infrastructure opportunity. Unfortunately, as is often the case with the rapid diffusion of a new technology, little information is available to...

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topics: Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Parking Utilization, Transportation

Multifamily residential buildings often provide too much parking, which can be an impediment to a wide range of community goals. An oversupply of parking can have deleterious effects on economic development, consumers, the community at large, and the environment. Despite a recent surge in research...

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topics: Cargo-Oriented Development, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Housing, Sustainable Economic Development, Transportation

The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’s Sustainable Communities Initiative offered support for sustainable development projects in cities and regions across the country. Grantees received access to capacity-building resources, including CNT’s team of technical experts, to help...

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