Our Work

by CNT

Since Hurricane Katrina, the New Orleans-Baton Rouge super region has been working to secure lasting economic recovery. This report offers recommendations for using cargo- and transit-oriented development to help Southeast Louisiana capture community value from its largely underutilized rail system.Read more

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by CNT and Open Communities

Rail transit anchors downtowns and neighborhoods in communities throughout Chicago’s northern suburbs and across the region, but many of these communities are falling behind in creating mixed-income transit-oriented development. This guidebook offers case studies, policy recommendations, and public participation tools...Read more


Topic: Transportation

Displaying 61 - 70 of 119


topics: Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Housing, Policy, Transportation

Priority Development Areas offer a targeted strategy for capitalizing on existing assets, like transit stations and walkable downtowns, to foster sustainable economic development.

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topics: Climate, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Housing, Sustainable Economic Development, Transportation, Water

EcoDistricts are the cutting edge of sustainability solutions that use a district scale to achieve greater impact. They link energy, transportation, water, and land use in an integrated, efficient resource system.

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topics: Data Analysis, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Transportation

AllTransit™ is the largest source of transit connectivity, access, and frequency data in America. It offers tremendous potential for planning applications to increase our understanding of the value of transit, as well as to enhance service and operations planning.

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topics: Data Analysis, Housing, Parking Utilization, Transportation

The King County Right Size Parking Calculator provides estimated parking/unit ratios for multi-family developments throughout urban areas of Seattle’s county.

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topics: Climate, Data Analysis, Transportation

Gas costs are only a fraction of total driving costs. The majority of costs are due to owning and maintaining cars.

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topics: Transportation

In the late 1990s, CNT’s Jacky Grimshaw visited Germany. In lieu of the usual souvenirs, she brought back an idea: car sharing as an alternative to car ownership.

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topics: Cargo-Oriented Development, Sustainable Economic Development, Transportation

Since Hurricane Katrina, the New Orleans-Baton Rouge super region has been working to secure lasting economic recovery. This report offers recommendations for using cargo- and transit-oriented development to help Southeast Louisiana capture community value from its largely underutilized rail system...

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topics: Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Policy, Transportation

Rail transit anchors downtowns and neighborhoods in communities throughout Chicago’s northern suburbs and across the region, but many of these communities are falling behind in creating mixed-income transit-oriented development. This guidebook offers case studies, policy recommendations, and public...

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topics: Data Analysis, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Transportation

Led by CNT and the Active Transportation Alliance, Transit Future offered a bold vision of what an expanded transit system in Cook County and the Chicago region could be. It is a vision of connectivity and opportunity, of potential and prosperity.

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topics: Housing, Transportation

The National Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Database is a tool that provides economic and demographic information for every existing and proposed fixed guideway transit station in the U.S.

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