Our Work

by CNT and members of the Transportation Equity Network (TEN)

Building Capacity and Connecting Communities provides a guidebook on how to best engage vulnerable communities in transportation knowledge and capacity-building. CNT partnered with six community-based organizations, all members of the Transportation Equity Network (TEN) and all representing...Read more

by CNT, Elevate, and Muse Community + Design

Homes are built to keep us safe and healthy. Climate change threatens this stability. CNT— in partnership with Elevate and the City of Evanston— aims to increase the climate resiliency of affordable housing in the name of human welfare. This...Read more

by CNT and SB Friedman Development Advisors

This report shows Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) adds value to homes. The Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) worked with SB Friedman Development Advisors to model the impact of GSI installations, such as rain gardens, pervious pavement, swales, and planters, on...Read more

by CNT

The cost of water is on the rise due to decades of disinvestment in our community water supply, stormwater, and wastewater infrastructure systems. Across the country, the expense of water and sewer services has grown much faster than other household...Read more

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Topic: Sustainable Economic Development

Displaying 1 - 10 of 60


topics: Environmental Justice, Housing, Sustainable Economic Development, Urban Flooding, Water

Residents used community-based participatory research to frame questions and plan local improvements

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topics: Sustainable Economic Development

By Ed Finkel In the closing days of the Biden Administration, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued rules banning all uses of trichloroethylene (TCE), as well as all consumer uses and many commercial uses of perchloroethylene (PCE), labeling these as cancer-causing chemicals under the...

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topics: Sustainable Economic Development, Transportation

We and the American Lung Association are part of the federally funded STELLAR project to promote equitable transportation electrification and decarbonization in communities. About a year into the work, we're finding that expanding access to clean transportation looks different in each STELLAR...

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topics: Sustainable Economic Development

  Please join us as we gather to celebrate the life of Lew Kreinberg, leader, mentor, friend, and inspiration to generations of Chicagoans working to make this city a better place for all. Come share your memories of Lew’s life full of energy, commitment, imagination, and joy. 3 to 5 pm,...

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topics: Climate, Sustainable Economic Development

CNT partnered more than a year ago with Evanston Development Cooperative and other groups to create the new Green Homes pilot program in two Evanston communities. It uses public funds to provide home upgrades free-of-charge.  Evanston is one of the first communities in the country to launch a...

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topics: Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Sustainable Economic Development, Transportation

Building Capacity and Connecting Communities provides a guidebook on how to best engage vulnerable communities in transportation knowledge and capacity-building. CNT partnered with six community-based organizations, all members of the Transportation Equity Network (TEN) and all representing the...

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topics: Climate, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Housing, Policy, Sustainable Economic Development

Homes are built to keep us safe and healthy. Climate change threatens this stability. CNT— in partnership with Elevate and the City of Evanston— aims to increase the climate resiliency of affordable housing in the name of human welfare. This will be possible through an innovative pilot program to...

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topics: Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Policy, Sustainable Economic Development, Transportation

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill has been passed by the Senate. That’s an excellent start in addressing our long-neglected physical infrastructure. And now the bill goes back to the House of Representatives for concurrence. In the regular order of business, the House would negotiate and then...

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topics: Climate, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Housing, Sustainable Economic Development, Urban Flooding, Water

This report shows Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) adds value to homes. The Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) worked with SB Friedman Development Advisors to model the impact of GSI installations, such as rain gardens, pervious pavement, swales, and planters, on property sales data in...

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topics: Policy, Sustainable Economic Development, Water

The cost of water is on the rise due to decades of disinvestment in our community water supply, stormwater, and wastewater infrastructure systems. Across the country, the expense of water and sewer services has grown much faster than other household expenses over the past two decades. The...

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