Photo: Paul Krueger via Flickr Creative Commons

Chicago’s Latest Ordinance Expands ETOD

On January 23, 2019, the Chicago City Council passed an amendment to the Municipal Code governing transit-oriented developments (TODs). This amendment modifies transit-served locations to include projects in vicinity of more than 20 CTA-designated high-ridership and high-frequency bus routes along eight1 major corridors and corridor segments. With this amendment, the City administration will also have to create and publish an Equitable TOD (ETOD) Implementation Policy Plan over the next year... Continue reading »


Welcoming CNT's New Transportation Director

I’m happy to welcome CNT’s newest staff person, Elizabeth Irvin, who starts work with us today as our Transportation Director. Elizabeth joins us from the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP), where she worked on evaluating the impacts of road and transit projects, identifying opportunities and risks of emerging transportation technologies, and advancing strategies to improve equity and sustainability in the region’s transportation system. She previously worked for Metro Boston’s... Continue reading »


We Met, We Shared, and Together We Innovate!

On Tuesday, December 4, CNT opened our offices to partners and friends both old and new. We rearranged our space to display our current work – see diagram below – and spent three nonstop hours describing it.  Around 150 people came through (we weren’t keeping close count), talked to our staff and board about our priorities and projects, and connected with other friends. Most commonly overhead conversation snippets at the open house: I really like that AllTransit tool. (Thanks,... Continue reading »


Powerful New Opportunity Zone Scoring Uses CNT’s True Affordability Tool

This just in—a new tool addressing the promise and challenges in using Opportunity Zones (OZs) to drive development in underserved urban areas. The National Opportunity Zones Ranking Report was produced by LOCUS in conjunction with Smart Growth America and SPARCC – a national network rooted in Atlanta, the SF-Oakland Bay Area, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, and Memphis to accelerate equitable development without displacement, climate resilience and public health achievement.... Continue reading »


Climate Change is Changing Everything

Climate change has been in the news: The U.S. National Climate Assessment found that every region of the country is affected by climate change already and those impacts are likely to grow—threatening health and property and costing our economy as much as hundreds of billions of dollars. The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poland met to develop the rulebook countries will use to reduce emissions in the coming years. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on... Continue reading »


Connecting with Longstanding Supporters and New Friends

Last night we saw over 100 friends, partners, and other supporters of urban sustainability at the CNT Reception. We’re excited to have been hosted by the Chicago Connectory, a great space created by Bosch and 1871 to help startups and thought leaders in the growing Internet of Things (IoT) field. I’d like to particularly thank Dennis Boecker, Bosch USA’s Global Lead for IT Innovation and co-founder of the Connectory, for hosting us and speaking to the guests; to SB Friedman as a lead sponsor... Continue reading »


Welcoming CNT’s Managing Director for Urban Resilience

I’m thrilled to announced that CNT has hired a new Managing Director for Urban Resilience. First, about the position: This is a new title that reflects our future direction as an organization. The Managing Director will oversee CNT’s water program – including RainReady, the Great Lakes Water Infrastructure project, and related efforts – and will tie our water work closely to other urban systems. To effectively address environmental justice and the threats caused by climate change, we need to... Continue reading »


Preserving the Affordability of Water Services in Great Lakes Cities

In 1960, Gary, IN was a town of 178,000 residents with a strong economy and a water and sewer system to match. Today, Gary’s 78,000 residents are struggling with aging, oversized systems while facing a 36% poverty rate and a median income of $29,000. Gary’s Sanitary District has worked to keep bills down to preserve the affordability of wastewater services, but this has meant delaying necessary investments and reactively managing infrastructure failures that compromise water quality, cause... Continue reading »


New Partnerships for Transportation Impact

As a new CEO, I passed an important milestone last week: my first board meeting. I’ve been happy to find that CNT has an active and engaged board, and even happier to find that we continually add interesting new people. Last week, CNT welcomed a new board member: Stefan Gspurning, Head of Urban Mobility for Bosch. My introduction to Stefan started with a visit to the Chicago Connectory, a collaboration between Bosch and 1871 that provides an innovation space for startups and growing... Continue reading »


Red Line Extension would bring major economic benefits to Far South Side

By Julia Gerasimenko, Active Transportation Alliance People who scoff at the significant cost of the Red Line Extension ($2+ billion) shouldn’t overlook the significant social and economic benefits it would deliver to several of the most isolated and disinvested communities in the city. New analysis using the Center for Neighborhood Technology’s AllTransitTM tool puts numbers behind these benefits. Funded by TransitCenter, the tool allows users to enter an address and discover the... Continue reading »

