Our Work

A collaboration of the Center for Neighborhood Technology, Reconnecting America, and Strategic Economics

This report, researched and written by staff at the Center for Neighborhood Technology, Reconnecting America, and Strategic Economics — working together as the Center for TransitOriented Development — makes a substantial new contribution to our knowledge base regarding mixed-income, mixed-race...Read more


The general public has been excluded for too long from transportation decisions in Northeastern Illinois. Given the opportunity, the citizenry would fundamentally reform transportation planning to accomplish broader regional goals. The overall vision the public prefers would provide more transportation...Read more

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Jacky Grimshaw

There are many people who, because of their age, mobility, or economic standing, rely on public transportation for access to essential services. Without access to transportation, and to the process through which transportation policies and plans are made, many citizens...Read more


Topic: Equitable Transit Oriented Development

Displaying 91 - 93 of 93


topics: Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Transportation

This report, researched and written by staff at the Center for Neighborhood Technology, Reconnecting America, and Strategic Economics — working together as the Center for TransitOriented Development — makes a substantial new contribution to our knowledge base regarding mixed-income, mixed-race...

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topics: Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Sustainable Economic Development, Transportation

The general public has been excluded for too long from transportation decisions in Northeastern Illinois. Given the opportunity, the citizenry would fundamentally reform transportation planning to accomplish broader regional goals. The overall vision the public prefers would provide more...

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topics: Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Policy, Transportation

There are many people who, because of their age, mobility, or economic standing, rely on public transportation for access to essential services. Without access to transportation, and to the process through which transportation policies and plans are made, many citizens are locked out of...

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