The Green Values® Stormwater Management Calculator is designed to help plan green infrastructure solutions to prevent flooding for single buildings or larger neighborhood and community scale efforts. The calculator is for planners, landscape architects, municipal staff and homeowners to explore value of green infrastructure.
Tour the Green Values Calculator
Webinar recording from February 4, 2021
Jen McGraw, Director of Sustainability Innovation, CNT
Peter Haas, Chief Research Scientist, CNT
Michael Lampl, S.B. Friedman
Max Eisenburger, S.B. Friedman

The Green Values Calculator builds upon the report, Green Stormwater Infrastructure Impact on Property Values by CNT and SB Friedman Development Advisors that shows nature-based solutions to stormwater management provide many benefits in addition to flood control.
View the report here.
Impacts on Property Value
Green infrastructure for stormwater management is an important contributor to both climate mitigation and adaptation. However, various barriers have stood in the way of its full implementation, and it is rarely applied at scale. One of the most significant barriers to green infrastructure installation is a lack of understanding and reliable documentation of the benefits that it provides. Some types of co-benefits are well-understood, and existing tools, such as this one available to estimate these benefits. Most significantly, one potentially very important co-benefit of green infrastructure – its impact on property values – is under-researched, until now.
CNT has researched and found a clear link between green infrastructure and property values. This will help to allow municipalities, organizations, advocates and residents to go beyond small-scale applications of green infrastructure and make green infrastructure a central part of how communities become more resilient to climate change.