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Designed as a user-friendly tool that gives interested people around the country the ability to evaluate the performance of the transit zones in their neighborhoods and towns.Read more

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Topic: Data Analysis

Displaying 31 - 38 of 38


topics: Data Analysis, Housing, Parking Utilization, Policy, Transportation

The Park Right DC calculator helps community members, developers, zoning bodies, planners, and other stakeholders better understand parking utilization in multi-family residential buildings in the District of Columbia.

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topics: Data Analysis, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Transportation

AllTransit™ is the largest source of transit connectivity, access, and frequency data in America. It offers tremendous potential for planning applications to increase our understanding of the value of transit, as well as to enhance service and operations planning.

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topics: Data Analysis, Housing, Parking Utilization, Transportation

The King County Right Size Parking Calculator provides estimated parking/unit ratios for multi-family developments throughout urban areas of Seattle’s county.

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topics: Climate, Data Analysis, Transportation

Gas costs are only a fraction of total driving costs. The majority of costs are due to owning and maintaining cars.

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topics: Data Analysis, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Transportation

Led by CNT and the Active Transportation Alliance, Transit Future offered a bold vision of what an expanded transit system in Cook County and the Chicago region could be. It is a vision of connectivity and opportunity, of potential and prosperity.

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topics: Data Analysis, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Housing, Parking Utilization, Transportation

The GreenTRIP Parking Database helps planners and developers in the San Francisco Bay Area quantify parking usage and the costs of unused parking spaces.

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topics: Data Analysis, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Technical Assistance, Transportation

Designed as a user-friendly tool that gives interested people around the country the ability to evaluate the performance of the transit zones in their neighborhoods and towns.

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topics: Data Analysis, Housing, Transportation

The Housing + Transportation (H+T®) Affordability Index provides a comprehensive view of affordability that includes both the cost of housing and the cost of transportation at the neighborhood level.

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