This GIS (Geographic Information Systems) 101 Toolkit is intended for use by environmental justice organizations or community groups as well as individuals who are in solidarity with these organizations or groups. The toolkit provides an overview of how GIS can...Read more
Our Work
Topic: Data Analysis
Displaying 11 - 20 of 38Tool
topics: Data Analysis, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Policy, Transportation
The Washington Transit Access Map allows you to look up information about the type of transit service available in any location in Washington State. The map is tool for advocates, planners, policymakers, researchers, and students interested in understanding where transit is frequent and reliable,...
topics: Data Analysis, Environmental Justice, Technical Assistance
This GIS (Geographic Information Systems) 101 Toolkit is intended for use by environmental justice organizations or community groups as well as individuals who are in solidarity with these organizations or groups. The toolkit provides an overview of how GIS can be used to supplement organizational...
topics: Data Analysis, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Transportation
CNT’s H+T® Affordability Index has just been updated, the first update since 2016. For most households in the United States, housing and transportation represent the largest and second-largest expenditures respectively. The H+T Affordability Index combines housing and transportation (driving and...
topics: Data Analysis, Environmental Justice, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Urban Flooding, Water
Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO) and CNT have partnered together to explore the cumulative burden of COVID-19, lack of access to drinking water, and urban flooding, in the Little Village neighborhood, an environmental justice community.
topics: Data Analysis
“The numbers don’t lie.” We’ve probably all heard this cliché, used to claim an incontestable truth about a situation. We’ve probably even used it ourselves on occasion. But of course, numbers do lie. All the time. What questions are being asked (and just as importantly, not being asked) and who...
topics: Data Analysis, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Housing, Transportation
The Power of Place: This new mapping tool helps compare potential development sites' impact on ESG goals.
topics: Data Analysis, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Transportation
Explore New Transit Impact Measures for Virginia’s People and Jobs.
topics: Data Analysis, Environmental Justice, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Urban Flooding, Water
Updated May, 2022 This study compares health and water-related conditions in Little Village to the Near North Side, and to Chicago city-wide. Chicago neighborhood data is reported by “community area”: 77 areas with defined boundaries that can include one or more neighborhoods. Little Village is...
topics: Data Analysis, Equitable Transit Oriented Development
What is ETOD and Why it Matters CNT has been advocating for transit oriented development (TOD) for more than 25 years. TOD looks like dense, pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use projects near train stops that allow people to use transit to access multiple needs like housing, jobs, education, shopping,...
topics: Data Analysis
The Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children (CLOCC) has been partnering with community-based organizations (CBOs) for more than a decade to identify and address barriers to walkability in their neighborhoods. To do this, CLOCC developed their Neighborhood Walkability & Accessibility...