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Fort Wayne today faces many challenges: how to gain and retain new jobs in a changing global economy; how to make the most efficient use of limited natural resources; how to build a prosperous city for all residents in a...Read more

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The general public has been excluded for too long from transportation decisions in Northeastern Illinois. Given the opportunity, the citizenry would fundamentally reform transportation planning to accomplish broader regional goals. The overall vision the public prefers would provide more transportation...Read more

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Scott Bernstein

Is the continued migration of city dwellers to the suburbs an indicator of the low value ascribed to America’s cities? If so, that negative judgment is endorsed by score-keeping, ranging from the Census to the daily economic reports and news,...Read more

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Scott Bernstein, Julia Parzen, John Cleveland, Robert Friedman, Carolyn Hunsaker

“As part of a living system, we want to learn to succeed at being human.”

What is the purpose of this material? This material is intended as a resource to support the development of local and national...Read more
