Publication Library

by CNT and members of the Transportation Equity Network (TEN)

Building Capacity and Connecting Communities provides a guidebook on how to best engage vulnerable communities in transportation knowledge and capacity-building. CNT partnered with six community-based organizations, all members of the Transportation Equity Network (TEN) and all representing...Read more

by CNT and LVEJO

Updated May, 2022

This study compares health and water-related conditions in Little Village to the Near North Side, and to Chicago city-wide. Chicago neighborhood data is reported by “community area”: 77 areas with defined boundaries that can include...Read more

by CNT, Elevate, and Muse Community + Design

Homes are built to keep us safe and healthy. Climate change threatens this stability. CNT— in partnership with Elevate and the City of Evanston— aims to increase the climate resiliency of affordable housing in the name of human welfare. This...Read more

by CNT and SB Friedman Development Advisors

This report shows Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) adds value to homes. The Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) worked with SB Friedman Development Advisors to model the impact of GSI installations, such as rain gardens, pervious pavement, swales, and planters, on...Read more

by CNT

The cost of water is on the rise due to decades of disinvestment in our community water supply, stormwater, and wastewater infrastructure systems. Across the country, the expense of water and sewer services has grown much faster than other household...Read more

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by CNT

Our country’s water infrastructure needs investment. However, funding and financing sources are growing increasingly competitive and communities are finding it difficult to secure adequate resources to make needed investments in their systems. In this report, CNT identifies innovative funding and...Read more

by CNT

Green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) is proven to help places become more resilient in the face of increasingly intense climate change impacts, while addressing other community priorities such as improved public health outcomes, increased economic development, and safe transportation infrastructure. CNT’s...Read more


Established urban industrial districts in the Twin Cities have a mixture of thriving businesses and vacant properties. Some of these vacant or underutilized properties have been overlooked by industrial developers in favor of greenfield sites due to challenges related to...Read more


Transportation is central to quality of life and well-being, linking people to employment, goods and services, health care, education, social activities, recreation, and cultural activities. However, access to transportation options in the U.S. is not always equitable, leaving many communities...Read more

by CNT

Equity Express Financial Education Workshops give participants the information and support they need to decrease household expenses, increase savings and reduce environmental impacts. They respond to two major crises of our time- economic and ecological- by increasing the wealth of...Read more
