Our Work

Gregory L. Newmark Ph.D and Peter M. Haas Ph.D

This paper combines detailed travel-survey, transit-service, and land-use data to estimate a model for predicting the role of income and location efficiency in reducing household vehicle-miles traveled (VMT). The research then applies this model to census data collected in the...Read more


Topic: Housing

Displaying 21 - 30 of 49


topics: Climate, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Housing, Transportation

This paper combines detailed travel-survey, transit-service, and land-use data to estimate a model for predicting the role of income and location efficiency in reducing household vehicle-miles traveled (VMT). The research then applies this model to census data collected in the most transit-rich...

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topics: Housing, Transportation

We were awarded a contract to manage a market assessment of the demand for real estate in Dane County, Wisconsin by the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission, supported by the HUD Regional Sustainable Communities Grant Program.

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topics: Climate, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Housing, Sustainable Economic Development, Transportation, Water

Working with prime contractor Duany Plater-Zyberk, we developed an EcoDistrict plan for financing and building infrastructure to support transit zones throughout the city for the Reinvent Phoenix project.

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topics: Cargo-Oriented Development, Housing, Policy, Transportation

As part of the Broadening Urban Investment to Leverage Transit (BUILT) In Ohio partnership with the Office of Ohio Governor Ted Strickland and leaders in each of the three regions, we explored the impact of recent urban development patterns and identified key market opportunities in transit-...

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topics: Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Housing, Technical Assistance

How do you fight food and job scarcity all at once? Build a solar rooftop greenhouse. It may not seem radical now, but our 1970s solar greenhouse project was decades ahead of its time.

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topics: Housing

The traditional view of housing affordability is 30 percent of income. Under this view, an astonishing three out of four U.S. neighborhoods are considered “affordable” to the typical household. However, we recognized that this benchmark failed to account for transportation costs, which are...

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topics: Housing, Sustainable Economic Development, Transportation

We pioneered the Location Efficient Mortgage, a revolutionary financing tool that recognized and accounted for the savings available to people who live in location-efficient communities.

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topics: Climate, Housing, Transportation

Our research helped make the case that building affordable housing near transit can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles.

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topics: Climate, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Housing, Sustainable Economic Development, Transportation, Water

EcoDistricts are the cutting edge of sustainability solutions that use a district scale to achieve greater impact. They link energy, transportation, water, and land use in an integrated, efficient resource system.

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topics: Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Housing, Policy, Transportation

Priority Development Areas offer a targeted strategy for capitalizing on existing assets, like transit stations and walkable downtowns, to foster sustainable economic development.

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