This GIS (Geographic Information Systems) 101 Toolkit is intended for use by environmental justice organizations or community groups as well as individuals who are in solidarity with these organizations or groups. The toolkit provides an overview of how GIS can...Read more
Our Work
Topic: Environmental Justice
Displaying 11 - 20 of 31Project
topics: Climate, Environmental Justice, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Technical Assistance
We and our partners can help government agencies, nonprofits and community groups plan, apply for and implement new public infrastructure improvements.
topics: Environmental Justice, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Urban Flooding, Water
The Calumet Region is a region in which infrastructure solutions are planned and built with resident and community leadership.
topics: Climate, Data Analysis, Environmental Justice, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Flooding, Water
A quantitative and qualitative look at urban flooding that visualizes flooding indicators and urban flooding locations in the Calumet Region of Cook County.
topics: Environmental Justice, Water
Chicago finally caught a weekend break from torrential thunderstorms and poor air quality coming from Canadian forest fires on Saturday, July 22—making it a great day for the Water Justice Fair that Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO) and Center for Neighborhood Technology co-...
topics: Climate, Environmental Justice
Climate change impacts are felt by individuals and communities all over the world through intense or frequent storms, floods, and increased exposure to air and water pollutants. Who is most impacted by this? Unfortunately, those who are lower-income and have non-white racial or ethnic identities....
topics: Environmental Justice
The Climate and Economic Justice Screening tool, or CEJST for short, is a simple map, with big implications. CEJST identifies disadvantaged census tracts for prioritizing federal funding and informing Justice40, which aims to send “40 percent of the overall benefits of certain Federal investments...
topics: Data Analysis, Environmental Justice, Urban Flooding
CNT’s exploration of urban flooding CNT has worked on urban flooding for several years, focusing specifically on urban flooding because of the realities in Chicago and Illinois more broadly. FEMA's Flood Insurance Rate Maps create floodplains based on flooding from bodies of water. But based on...
topics: Data Analysis, Environmental Justice, Technical Assistance
This GIS (Geographic Information Systems) 101 Toolkit is intended for use by environmental justice organizations or community groups as well as individuals who are in solidarity with these organizations or groups. The toolkit provides an overview of how GIS can be used to supplement organizational...
topics: Data Analysis, Environmental Justice, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Urban Flooding, Water
Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO) and CNT have partnered together to explore the cumulative burden of COVID-19, lack of access to drinking water, and urban flooding, in the Little Village neighborhood, an environmental justice community.
topics: Environmental Justice
In just seven days, we have witnessed six Supreme Court Justices over turn 50 years of precedent, protection and shift power from the many, to the few. From the right for Women to have autonomy over their own Bodies, to Tribal Sovereignty, reading of Miranda Rights, Racial Redistricting and curbing...