Our Work

by CNT and Southeast Environmental Taskforce

Today’s environment and public health concerns in Chicago’s Southeast side are a result of deliberate urban planning and policy decisions made since the early 20th century.

Shedding light on these decisions brings context to the land use, industrial, and...Read more

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CNT and Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc.

This report examines changing rainfall amounts across five cities in the Great Lakes region and seeks to understand whether the regulatory permits and community planning efforts are aligned with robust and current rainfall estimates. Rainfall amount is a key factor...Read more

by CNT, Elevate, and Muse Community + Design

Homes are built to keep us safe and healthy. Climate change threatens this stability. CNT— in partnership with Elevate and the City of Evanston— aims to increase the climate resiliency of affordable housing in the name of human welfare. This...Read more


Topic: Climate

Displaying 11 - 20 of 64


topics: Climate, Data Analysis, Environmental Justice, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Flooding, Water

A quantitative and qualitative look at urban flooding that visualizes flooding indicators and urban flooding locations in the Calumet Region of Cook County.

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topics: Climate, Sustainable Economic Development

CNT partnered more than a year ago with Evanston Development Cooperative and other groups to create the new Green Homes pilot program in two Evanston communities. It uses public funds to provide home upgrades free-of-charge.  Evanston is one of the first communities in the country to launch a...

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topics: Climate, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Flooding, Water

“We always think it’s going to be a big movement, a big force, something that’s beyond ourselves that’s going to be our solution when in fact, it’s us– the moms, the grandmoms, the kids,” Lorée Washington, a Riverdale community leader, said during a recent virtual workshop for residents of South...

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topics: Climate, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Water

Today’s environment and public health concerns in Chicago’s Southeast side are a result of deliberate urban planning and policy decisions made since the early 20th century. Shedding light on these decisions brings context to the land use, industrial, and environmental differences that exist today...

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topics: Climate, Environmental Justice

Climate change impacts are felt by individuals and communities all over the world through intense or frequent storms, floods, and increased exposure to air and water pollutants. Who is most impacted by this? Unfortunately, those who are lower-income and have non-white racial or ethnic identities....

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topics: Climate, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Urban Flooding, Water

This report examines changing rainfall amounts across five cities in the Great Lakes region and seeks to understand whether the regulatory permits and community planning efforts are aligned with robust and current rainfall estimates. Rainfall amount is a key factor considered in stormwater and...

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topics: Climate, Transportation

This past week, as a member of the Toward Equitable Electric Mobility (TEEM) Illinois cohort, I had the pleasure of attending TEEM’s first in-person annual convening and Forth’s Roadmap Conference in Portland, Oregon. The electric vehicle sector is revved up and eager to expand in the face of the...

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topics: Climate, Environmental Justice, Water

As data analysts and policy professionals, we spend a lot of time at our desks and behind screens, analyzing quantitative data, active or proposed policies and programs, and various written reports and documents. Much of what we analyze and review is -- or becomes -- an aggregation and...

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topics: Climate, Data Analysis, Environmental Justice, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Housing, Policy, Transportation, Urban Flooding, Water

The Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) has been a strong supporter of the concept of Justice40 since its announcement in early 2021. The goal of this program is to direct at least 40% of the benefits of federal investment to communities that have historically been left behind. Defining those...

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topics: Climate, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Housing, Policy, Sustainable Economic Development

Homes are built to keep us safe and healthy. Climate change threatens this stability. CNT— in partnership with Elevate and the City of Evanston— aims to increase the climate resiliency of affordable housing in the name of human welfare. This will be possible through an innovative pilot program to...

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