This December 2012 paper calculates expenditures on a variety of costs of car ownership from the 2006-2010 waves of the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX). The Consumer Expenditure Survey is conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and tracks the...Read more
Our Work
Topic: Climate
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topics: Climate
We were asked by the City of Chicago to lead the research and analysis for the Chicago Climate Action Plan.
topics: Climate, Energy, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Sustainable Economic Development, Transportation
This December 2012 paper calculates expenditures on a variety of costs of car ownership from the 2006-2010 waves of the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX). The Consumer Expenditure Survey is conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and tracks the expenditure patterns of a representative set...
The “Smart Water for Smart Regions” initiative offers a blueprint for the responsible and sustainable utilization of water in the Great Lakes states.
Northern Ohio has enough wind, solar and biogas potential to meet all of its electricity needs, but only a small fraction of the region's energy comes from these sources. In spite of its vast untapped renewable resources, production of renewable energy in the 9th Congressional District is not...
topics: Climate, Green Stormwater Infrastructure
This study shows that Portland is well-positioned to pilot a tree asset management program that would lay the groundwork for turning its tree canopy into a bondable asset, similar to bridges and roads. The study identified six steps through which Portland and other cities can create a tree asset...
topics: Climate, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Transportation
Transit-oriented development – a mix of residential and commercial development within walking distance of public transportation – can play a substantial part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
topics: Climate
A greenhouse gas emissions inventory was conducted for Chicago and its metropolitanregion for the years 2000 and 2005. Emissions ofcarbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride totaled 34.7 millionmetric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (...
topics: Climate, Energy, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Water
The Regional Green Building Case Study Project analyzes the post-occupancy performance and costs and benefits of 25 LEED projects in Illinois related to: measured energy and greenhouse gas emissions, water, commute transportation, construction and operating costs, green premium, health and...
topics: Climate, Energy, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Policy, Water
On July 13, 2009, CNT Vice President of Policy, Jacky Grimshaw, gave remarks at a press conference held by Illinois Governor Pat Quinn. Grimshaw’s remarks were in support of the state capital bill signed by Governor Quinn.
topics: Climate, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Policy, Urban Flooding, Water
CNT, along with Hey and Associates Inc. (Hey), conducted research to monitor and document the performance of green infrastructure for stormwater management. The project was funded, by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5.