Publication Library

Publication Library

Using The Hidden Assets of America’s Communities and Regions to Ensure Sustainable Communities

Scott Bernstein
April, 1997

Is the continued migration of city dwellers to the suburbs an indicator of the low value ascribed to America’s cities? If so, that negative judgment is endorsed by score-keeping, ranging from the Census to the daily economic reports and news,...Read more

Downloadable PDF:
PDF icon CNT-Hidden-Assets.pdf


Staying in the Game: Exploring Options for Urban Sustainability

Scott Bernstein, Julia Parzen, John Cleveland, Robert Friedman, Carolyn Hunsaker
June, 1996

“As part of a living system, we want to learn to succeed at being human.” What is the purpose of this material? This material is intended as a resource to support the development of local and national networks to learn...Read more


Public Facilities Siting + Transportation Access

Jacky Grimshaw
September, 1995

There are many people who, because of their age, mobility, or economic standing, rely on public transportation for access to essential services. Without access to transportation, and to the process through which transportation policies and plans are made, many citizens...Read more


School Reform Chicago Style: How Citizens Organized to Change Public Policy

by Mary O’Connell
May, 1991

This booklet tells the story of citizen organization and role in the school reform movement in the restructuring of the Chicago (Illinois) Public Schools. Chapter 1, "People Were 'Mad As Hell,'" relates the events immediately surrounding the Chicago Teachers Union...Read more

Downloadable PDF:
PDF icon SchlRfrmChgoStyle.pdf

