Our Work

by CNT and LVEJO

Updated May, 2022

This study compares health and water-related conditions in Little Village to the Near North Side, and to Chicago city-wide. Chicago neighborhood data is reported by “community area”: 77 areas with defined boundaries that can include...Read more

by CNT and Metropolitan Planning Council

Through its Great Lakes Water Infrastructure Program , CNT partnered with the Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC) and the south suburban Village of Hazel to identify the probable location of lead service lines which connect a property to...Read more

by CNT and SB Friedman Development Advisors

This report shows Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) adds value to homes. The Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) worked with SB Friedman Development Advisors to model the impact of GSI installations, such as rain gardens, pervious pavement, swales, and planters, on...Read more

by CNT

The cost of water is on the rise due to decades of disinvestment in our community water supply, stormwater, and wastewater infrastructure systems. Across the country, the expense of water and sewer services has grown much faster than other household...Read more

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Topic: Water

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topics: Data Analysis, Environmental Justice, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Urban Flooding, Water

Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO) and CNT have partnered together to explore the cumulative burden of COVID-19, lack of access to drinking water, and urban flooding, in the Little Village neighborhood, an environmental justice community.

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topics: Data Analysis, Environmental Justice, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Urban Flooding, Water

Updated May, 2022 This study compares health and water-related conditions in Little Village to the Near North Side, and to Chicago city-wide. Chicago neighborhood data is reported by “community area”: 77 areas with defined boundaries that can include one or more neighborhoods. Little Village is...

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topics: Climate, Environmental Justice, Water

As data analysts and policy professionals, we spend a lot of time at our desks and behind screens, analyzing quantitative data, active or proposed policies and programs, and various written reports and documents. Much of what we analyze and review is -- or becomes -- an aggregation and...

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topics: Climate, Data Analysis, Environmental Justice, Equitable Transit Oriented Development, Housing, Policy, Transportation, Urban Flooding, Water

The Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) has been a strong supporter of the concept of Justice40 since its announcement in early 2021. The goal of this program is to direct at least 40% of the benefits of federal investment to communities that have historically been left behind. Defining those...

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topics: Climate, Data Analysis, Policy, Urban Flooding, Water

The Urban Flooding Baseline Project seeks to clearly define the problem of urban flooding in the Calumet region using available quantitative data sources and first-hand pictorial data from residents to improve flood mitigation plans. At the end of July, we completed the Pilot and Phase 1 of the...

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topics: Climate, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Water

It was raining – great for the new rain garden, but not so great for a community gardening day. Would anyone come? Hopeful, we set up the tents and laid out the sandwiches, and parents and youth started arriving a little after noon.   "We were so thrilled that families and volunteers showed up...

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topics: Data Analysis, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Flooding, Water

The Green Values Calculator compares the performance, costs, and benefits of Green Infrastructure to conventional stormwater practices.

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topics: Environmental Justice, Water

Through its Great Lakes Water Infrastructure Program, CNT partnered with the Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC) and the south suburban Village of Hazel to identify the probable location of lead service lines which connect a property to a utility’s water main. This effort also created a targeted...

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topics: Climate, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Housing, Sustainable Economic Development, Urban Flooding, Water

This report shows Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) adds value to homes. The Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) worked with SB Friedman Development Advisors to model the impact of GSI installations, such as rain gardens, pervious pavement, swales, and planters, on property sales data in...

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topics: Policy, Sustainable Economic Development, Water

The cost of water is on the rise due to decades of disinvestment in our community water supply, stormwater, and wastewater infrastructure systems. Across the country, the expense of water and sewer services has grown much faster than other household expenses over the past two decades. The...

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