This study shows that Portland is well-positioned to pilot a tree asset management program that would lay the groundwork for turning its tree canopy into a bondable asset, similar to bridges and roads. The study identified six steps through which...Read more
Our Work
Topic: Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Displaying 41 - 47 of 47Publication
topics: Climate, Green Stormwater Infrastructure
This study shows that Portland is well-positioned to pilot a tree asset management program that would lay the groundwork for turning its tree canopy into a bondable asset, similar to bridges and roads. The study identified six steps through which Portland and other cities can create a tree asset...
topics: Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Water
A broad analysis that is the first to place an economic value on the numerous benefits provided by green infrastructure. Goals: 1- Inform decision-makers and planners about the multiple benefits green infrastructure delivers to communities, 2- guide communities in valuing the benefits of potential...
topics: Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Water
Reviews current methods, tools and case studies of valuation of the economic and social benefits produced by green infrastructure practices, particularly as they are applied in urban settings.
topics: Climate, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Policy, Urban Flooding, Water
CNT, along with Hey and Associates Inc. (Hey), conducted research to monitor and document the performance of green infrastructure for stormwater management. The project was funded, by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5.
topics: Climate, Energy, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Sustainable Economic Development
The Chicago area’s homes and offices must be brought up to 21st century standards for energy efficiency, both to save money and to reduce climate‐altering green house gas emissions. Federal money available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) can jumpstart the creation of a...
topics: Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Water
The City of Fort Wayne has chosen to use several simultaneous challenges related to its water resources as an opportunity to explore sustainable solutions. CNT was retained to seek hidden assets in the urban neighborhoods and identify ways in which water resource investments can achieve multiple...
topics: Green Stormwater Infrastructure
CNT and a new addition to the Chicago Public School system, Al Raby High School, are transforming the school’s physical environment into the optimal environmental leadership learning environment with the installation of a native woodland garden.