Photo: Paul Krueger via Flickr Creative Commons

What did we learn from the results from our H+T User survey?

Continuing our series digging into the H+T Index, today we highlight what we learned about who uses our most popular tool from a recent user survey. We received 117 survey responses. While that represents just a fraction of the H+T Index’s regular monthly user base — the tool is accessed more than 2,000 times per month— responses were informative. Before sharing a quantitative snapshot of what we learned, a few stories based on interviews with four sets of users. Measuring progress &... Continue reading »


CNT Welcomes Molly Wagner to our Transportation policy team

While travel decisions can be deeply personal, decades of (often racist) land use and transportation policies and practices help determine them. Exhibit A is policies and practices that have prioritized car-centric designs that among other harms escalate greenhouse gas emissions and traffic fatalities. Worse, our road networks have destroyed the social, cultural, and economic fabric of communities and have disproportionately affected the health of marginalized groups, especially those in low... Continue reading »


TEEM Platform endorses just transition for electric transportation

Imagine tomorrow, all vehicles in the world suddenly became battery powered. Would that achieve all our climate and environmental justice goals? Not exactly. What will help close the gap between equity and climate goals is an electrification transition that follows the principles of the Towards Equitable Eletric Mobility (TEEM) platform. Or, as one TEEM leader stated, “If you aren’t looking for the intersection, you aren’t going to find the solution.” Learn More at the Chicago... Continue reading »


H+T Series Part 3: So, What Else Can I Do With the H+T Index?

The main purpose of the H+T Index is to help users identify the most “location efficient” places across the United States by calculating the cost of housing as well as the cost of transportation to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the affordability of place. We learned through surveys and a series of interviews that the Housing, Transportation, and combined Housing + Transportation Cost metrics are regularly used to inform urban planning, governance, and policy decision making... Continue reading »


Strengthening Transit Through Community Partnerships

Transit agencies should continually interact with their riders and community members to ensure services meet their needs. Community engagement can take many forms, from agency staff hearing public comments on a finished project to working with constituents to design a plan or policy. Transit agencies often outsource this work to third-party consultants, who can be unfamiliar with the communities they are tasked to engage with.  Since the mid-2010s, LA Metro has been refining a... Continue reading »


Remembering Lew Kreinberg

  Please join us as we gather to celebrate the life of Lew Kreinberg, leader, mentor, friend, and inspiration to generations of Chicagoans working to make this city a better place for all. Come share your memories of Lew’s life full of energy, commitment, imagination, and joy. 3 to 5 pm, Saturday May 11 at Friendship Baptist Church, 5200 W Jackson Blvd, Chicago Program includes speakers, music and refreshments. Parking is available at the church. Please RSVP here... Continue reading »


H+T Series Part 2: Why use a ‘Typical Regional Household’ to Highlight Location Efficiency?

The H+T® Affordability Index highlights location efficiency by using an “apples to apples” comparison of housing costs. What’s the Question? Users often ask why we use the median-income household in every block group in a metro area, pointing out that this misrepresents the actual costs for the households living there. The question goes to the heart of how our tool shows that living in compact and convenient area helps people stretch their budget. In a nutshell, the H+T Index is a... Continue reading »


H+T Affordability Index Blog Series

Introducing a series of blogs on CNT’s H+T Affordability Index – our most popular web tool. Nearly 20 years ago, CNT (Center for Neighborhood Technology) developed our Housing & Transportation, or H+T, Affordability Index. We theorized – and the data quickly proved -- that adding the two highest household costs, housing, and transportation, changes the way we look at household affordability. In other words, examining how location efficiency drives true affordability. The H+T Index is... Continue reading »


Transportation policy associate Pam Jones is first Jacky Grimshaw Fellow

We recently named Pam Jones as the first full-time fellow. An internship opportunity to work with CNT Vice President for Government Affairs Jacky Grimshaw will open next month. Native Chicagoan Pamela Jones got interested in transportation planning and policy because she wanted to expand transportation options in urban and rural communities. “I was lucky enough to grow up in a transit-rich neighborhood and took the train and bus to get around," says Jones. “The older I got,... Continue reading »


Climate & Cultural Resilience program is now Nature Near Transit

  Dedicated volunteer garden stewards gathered at Overton Center for Excellence in Bronzeville on the first day of fall, Saturday, September 23 to bring new life to the rain garden located on the east edge of the former elementary school property, an 8-minute stroll from the 51st Street Green Line station.   Through our Climate and Cultural Resilience program, recently renamed Nature Near Transit to better capture the essence of the work, CNT helped establish the east-... Continue reading »

