Photo: Paul Krueger via Flickr Creative Commons

Industrial EcoDistricts Present Major Opportunity as Manufacturing Returns to Urban Communities

There are over 950,000 more manufacturing jobs in the U.S. today than in 2010. This resurgence presents a major opportunity for communities. As a segment of manufacturers turns away from the inefficiencies of sprawling suburban industrial parks and re-onshores production from overseas locations there is growing demand for urban locations. But cities that want to take advantage of manufacturing’s return need to be fully prepared. An EcoDistrict approach to industrial revitalization can help keep... Continue reading »


CNT Awarded Chicago River Blue Award for Calumet Corridor Plan

We’re delighted to announce that on June 13, 2017, CNT received the Green Ribbon Award presented by the Friends of the Chicago River for the RainReady Calumet Corridor Plan. The Friends of the Chicago River host the annual Chicago River Blue Awards to recognize the leading contributions in development, design, and implementation of programs that best exemplify efforts towards building healthier and more sustainable communities through clean water programs. CNT RainReady director Dawn... Continue reading »


Withdrawing from Paris Agreement a Mistake

President Trump’s recent announcement that the U.S. will withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change was a disappointing step backward for the nation on one of the greatest global challenges of our era.  The impacts of climate change are already happening today—we are seeing flooding communities, droughts, and an increasing frequency of so-called “100 year storms.” Turning a blind eye in the hopes of resurrecting an antiquated, outdated carbon-based economy is not going to make the... Continue reading »


It's Time to Rethink That Infrastructure Question

It will cost about $4.6 trillion to bring U.S. infrastructure to a state of good repair, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers Infrastructure Report Card released last week.  If by some miracle our civic leadership raised all that money and hired the engineering and construction firms to do the work, we'd end up with thousands of examples of state-of-the-art 1950s investments. Let's not do that. Instead, let's acknowledge the costs of outdated approaches that wasted... Continue reading »


Center for Neighborhood Technology Releases RainReady Plans to Reduce Flooding for Six Calumet Corridor Communities

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Chicago, IL – CNT is releasing six RainReady plans for the Calumet Corridor communities of Blue Island, Calumet City, Calumet Park, Dolton, Riverdale, and Robbins. The plans establish a distinct path forward in each town to reduce systemic flooding issues while creating more beautiful, economically vibrant communities.  “In 2013, CNT‘s ‘The Prevalence and Cost of Urban Flooding’ report found that between 2007-2011, a majority of Cook County, Illinois ZIP codes... Continue reading »


RainReady and the Changing Economics of Flood Prevention in Today's Cities

In cities across the United States today, infrastructure professionals find themselves at “ground zero,” contending with swelling urban populations that strain aging systems (energy, water, transportation & built environment). Even in Chicago, where the city’s overall population has been shrinking, concentrations of growth in the downtown area continue to expand. The South Loop population more than doubled in the last decade and the city center has taken on more than 40K new residents in... Continue reading »


CNT Presses the Urban Agenda Forward, With Your Help

When I took over as CEO this fall, I reflected on the journey some of my longest-serving colleagues have been on for many years: associating responsible economic development in cities with needs for social justice, climate protection, and resilience. While support in the United States for this way of thinking has clearly ebbed and flowed in modern history, it is clear that CNT has been at the forefront of understanding infrastructure development in ways that have been quite unpopular, and often... Continue reading »


Cubs Win! CNT's Urban Analytics Team Wins Too!

Some of you will recall that when I took over as CEO of the Center for Neighborhood Technology this Fall, I noted that our team was expecting a Cubs World Series victory this year.  Now that we’ve achieved that historic goal in Chicago, reaching our other organizational strategic goals are taking center-stage. We feel inspired by what this city can accomplish, when we put our hearts and minds to something. At CNT, our mission for 38 years has been to ensure urban economic development... Continue reading »


Transportation Lockbox Constitutional Amendment

That old adage about things looking too good to be true applies to the Transportation Lockbox Constitutional Amendment. At first glance, the opportunity to assure more transportation funds to repair Illinois’ crumbling infrastructure was just that! Closer examination reveals a number of deficiencies. Ordinarily constitutional amendments emerge out of a broad civic discussion where their impacts can be evaluated from many perspectives and the wording revised to achieve the intended objective... Continue reading »


New Census Poverty Data Shows Some Good News

New data released by the US Census shows good news on many economic fronts. The middle class has seen income increases, poverty is down nationally, and many groups that had been left behind by the economic recovery are seeing rising incomes.    But the news is not universally good. CNT’s Urban Opportunity Agenda has taken a close look at poverty and opportunity in a dozen cities across the country. The latest update of Census data for those cities shows mixed progress on... Continue reading »

