Supporting Transportation Electrification: Leadership, Learning, Assistance, and Resources

STELLAR is an initiative that promotes equitable transportation electrification and decarbonization by engaging environmental justice communities, providing technical assistance, and offering workforce training.

Group photo of STELLAR participants

STELLAR is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Office of Vehicle Technologies Award Number DE-EE0010614. Through 2024 - 2025, STELLAR will fund 13 Chicago-based community-based organizations (CBOs) in two phases to

  1. receive training and technical assistance around electric vehicles and transportation decarbonization transition and
  2. work with a consultant to produce community-driven strategic plans for transportation decarbonization.

STELLAR 2-page overview


The goal of STELLAR is to approach the electrification transition from the community level and ensure community expertise on the path forward to vehicle electrification is prioritized, particularly in historically disinvested neighborhoods.

We’re working with the American Lung Association on this project.

CNT’s role is to help convene the CBOs and maintain regular communication with their representatives to understand their current needs surrounding the transportation electrification conversation, and how their communities can best benefit from the STELLAR training curriculum and future strategic planning.