Center for Neighborhood Technology welcomes Nina Idemudia, AICP, as new Chief Executive Officer
Video produced by Rudd Resources City planner and community leader Nina Idemudia looks to usher in a new era of innovation towards addressing sustainability and equity as the Center for Neighborhood Technology’s new CEO For almost 50 years, CNT has been a national leader in finding innovative ways to make cities more sustainable, resilient and equitable for all who live there. The CNT board was delighted with Nina’s understanding of how built environments shape the lives of... Read the rest of this entry »
Scott Bernstein Stepping Down After Four Decades of Pioneering Work In Urban Sustainability at CNT
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Chicago, IL, May 21, 2019) The Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) announces that its founder and long-time visionary leader, Scott Bernstein, is stepping down from the organization effective September 30, 2019. “Scott has had tremendous influence in making cities more equitable and more sustainable,” said CNT Board Chair Robert Henderson. “From his innovative ideas for handling water, energy, transportation, and other critical urban systems, to his... Read the rest of this entry »
New grant program to help Wilmette get RainReady
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Wilmette, February 21, 2019) Residents interested in making their yards eco-friendly can benefit from a new program being offered by the Village and qualify for a grant to pay for half the cost of the sustainable landscaping. The Village is pleased to announce the new program, RainReady Wilmette, which aims to reduce the amount of rain that enters the Village’s sewers, improve yard drainage at homes, and benefit the environment by using less resources like water and... Read the rest of this entry »
Robert Dean to Become New CEO of CNT
(Chicago, July 17, 2018) CNT Board Chair Robert Henderson is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert Dean as the organization’s new CEO. Dean joins CNT in August. “Bob Dean brings deep experience, devotion to equity, expert knowledge of CNT’s work in urban sustainability, and demonstrated leadership in working collaboratively to bring out the best in organizations and people,” said Henderson. “We think he is exactly the right person to lead CNT in the next chapter of its mission of... Read the rest of this entry »
Australian Visit Highlights Efficacy of RainReady
This month Chicago will have visitors from a cohort of Australian public works professionals stopping by the city before heading onto the American Public Works Association 2017 Congress, the annual conference for members of the public works industry. The group of Australian professionals will participate in a series of tours throughout the city visiting government agencies, public works and non-profits to garner an understanding of Public Works in the Chicago region. Included in their tour... Read the rest of this entry »
CNT Awarded Chicago River Blue Award for Calumet Corridor Plan
We’re delighted to announce that on June 13, 2017, CNT received the Green Ribbon Award presented by the Friends of the Chicago River for the RainReady Calumet Corridor Plan. The Friends of the Chicago River host the annual Chicago River Blue Awards to recognize the leading contributions in development, design, and implementation of programs that best exemplify efforts towards building healthier and more sustainable communities through clean water programs. CNT RainReady director Dawn... Read the rest of this entry »
Center for Neighborhood Technology Releases RainReady Plans to Reduce Flooding for Six Calumet Corridor Communities
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Chicago, IL – CNT is releasing six RainReady plans for the Calumet Corridor communities of Blue Island, Calumet City, Calumet Park, Dolton, Riverdale, and Robbins. The plans establish a distinct path forward in each town to reduce systemic flooding issues while creating more beautiful, economically vibrant communities. “In 2013, CNT‘s ‘The Prevalence and Cost of Urban Flooding’ report found that between 2007-2011, a majority of Cook County, Illinois ZIP codes... Read the rest of this entry »
New economic development model shows how cities can reduce poverty by 25 percent with smarter investments
Effective strategies include reducing costs for businesses and families, improving access to jobs and services, and targeting job creation programs Chicago, Ill.—On Thursday, the Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) announced a new framework for economic development that turns the traditional job creation model on its head, generating economic growth from the ground up by reducing costs for families and businesses. In communities across the country, high poverty rates, stagnant wages... Read the rest of this entry »
The Best of Chicago Manufacturing Could Be Yet to Come
The Center for Neighborhood Technology Offers New Strategies for Revitalizing Chicago’s Industrial Sector This election cycle, the dearth of American manufacturing jobs has taken a central role in the debate about the shrinking American middle class. With cheap labor abroad and the seemingly unstoppable march of automation, can manufacturing jobs ever return to American cities? Today, the Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) unveiled a new strategy for revitalizing Chicago’s Central... Read the rest of this entry »
Chicago Organization Receives National Award for Taking the Fight for Better Flood Control to the Streets—Literally
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.—The Center for Neighborhood Technology’s RainReady program, based in Chicago, received national recognition for its new and unique approach to address the front lines of floodplain management. The Association of State Floodplain Managers, the world's leading voice for sound floodplain management, science and policy, presented RainReady with its 2016 James Lee Witt Local Award for Excellence in Floodplain Management June 23 during its national conference in Grand Rapids,... Read the rest of this entry »