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Water and Community Affordability Action Planning Guide
by CNT
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The cost of water is on the rise due to decades of disinvestment in our community water supply, stormwater, and wastewater infrastructure systems. Across the country, the expense of water and sewer services has grown much faster than other household expenses over the past two decades. The affordability impact on low, moderate, and fixed income households has been severe—as a share of income, water bills can be 5 times greater for low-income households as compared to high-income households.

CNT’s new strategy guide, “Beyond the Bill” provides an overarching framework on water and community affordability and the water utility perspective on water affordability, and includes an Action Planning Guide with questions and worksheets to guide residents and community leaders as they work to improve local water and community affordability outcomes.

We have also developed a water affordability assessment calculator, which takes your total water, sewer, and stormwater bill and uses a new methodology to assess the burden of water and sewer bills on low-income households in your community.