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Affordable, Resilient Housing Retrofit Program Summary Recommendations
by CNT, Elevate, and Muse Community + Design

Homes are built to keep us safe and healthy. Climate change threatens this stability. CNT— in partnership with Elevate and the City of Evanston— aims to increase the climate resiliency of affordable housing in the name of human welfare. This will be possible through an innovative pilot program to create a One Stop Shop for Affordable, Resilient Net-Zero Homes. This program aims to provide building owners, households, renters, and residents in Evanston with the home improvements they need for refuge without displacement. Emphasis is placed on moderate to low-income Black and Latinx Evanstonians as they are especially vulnerable to climate change hazards.

Thanks to the Funders Network for Smart Growth, Chicago Community Trust, and Evanston Community Foundation for their support.